
Helping Engaged couples prepare for a marriage they’ll love.

Ready to Wed™

Focus on the Family and Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley have assembled trusted Christian experts, Juli Slattery and Gary Chapman, for the new Ready to Wed™ Engaged Couples Curriculum. This easy-to-use resource is for those who mentor engaged couples and for pastors/churches who wish to use it for premarital counseling and Christian marriage preparation.

Watch the first lesson now

Did you know that 80% of couples who get 8 – 10 hours of quality premarital education stay together?

Ready to Wed has been a premium pre-marriage curriculum for me as a chaplain in preparing young couples for life together with confidence and joy. The Smalleys get right to the core elements of commitment, communication and maintaining a God-centered relationship as they teach from their hearts, based on years of experience in their own marriage and counseling countless others. Obviously, I highly recommend this resource as a key entry into building future strong marriages.


Hands-on in helping other couples

Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley are nationally acclaimed speakers and leaders on the topic of marriage. Greg, who earned a doctorate in psychology, is the vice president of marriage and family formation at Focus on the Family. Erin, who holds a master’s degree in clinical psychology, works alongside him and works with couples as a therapist in private practice. Well known for their bestselling books Ready to Wed, Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage, The Wholehearted Wife, and Reconnected: Moving from roommates to soulmates in your marriage. Greg and Erin are passionate about preparing individuals for marriage, strengthening and nurturing existing marriages and helping couples in marital crises.

They are the proud parents of three daughters — Taylor, Murphy and Annie — and a son, Garrison. Together, they make their home in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Ready to Wed™ Products

Ready to Wed™ Kit

Ready to Wed™ Engaged Couples kit features an engaging 10-session DVD series, a leader’s guide, two copies of the couple’s workbook, and the humorous and insightful Ready to Wed book co-authored by Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley along with other marriage experts. From in-laws and finances, to intimacy and chores, Ready to Wed is the perfect pre-marital program to help a pastor or mentor couple prepare engaged couples for the joys and challenges of a lifetime marriage. Promotional materials for church program launch are also included on a resource disk.

Ready to Wed™ Book

Written for engaged couples, this book is full of tools, tips, and instructions that start a couple on a straight path to a strong marriage. Emphasizing that marriage and family are good, the book integrates the Traits of a Thriving Marriage to help prepare and strengthen marriages from the start. A vital resource for those who mentor engaged couples and for pastors/churches who wish to use it in a premarital counseling program.

Ready to Wed™ Couples Workbook

As you progress through Ready to Wed™ kit with your pastor or mentor couple, this guide will help you and your future spouse work together to build the foundation for a marriage that will last a lifetime. For participation in the DVD series, you and your fiancé should have your own copy of the workbook.

Are you Ready to Wed?

Read the Book

In this book, we will cover a comprehensive look at everything you will need to start building a marriage you will love. Loaded with examples, suggestions, and instructions based on the traits of a thriving marriage, this valuable resource will launch engaged couples and newlyweds on a lifetime adventure!

Find a Mentor Couple

We can’t emphasize enough (both from research and personal experience!) how important it is to have the support and encouragement of a “veteran” couple to walk alongside you! We encourage you to seek out a couple a few steps ahead of you and that can invest in your marriage as you begin your life together.

Take the Couple Checkup

The Couple’s Checkup is designed by our partner organization, Prepare and Enrich, to give you a clear snapshot of your relationship highlighting both your strengths and growth areas. This valuable information will provide a basis for helpful discussions and opportunities for growth as you prepare for your upcoming marriage journey.

The Voucher code (see below) allows you or your fiancé(e) to complete an Individual Profile, which describes how one person perceives the relationship.
Then upgrade, and have your fiancé(e) take their half of the Couple Checkup and receive the full Couple Checkup Report, a 20-25 page report that will be extremely valuable. As a Ready to Wed couple, you can complete the Checkup at a 30% discount!
To Start the Free Individual Profile:

  1. Click the “Get Started” button above
  2. On the Couple Checkup site, click “Get Started”
  3. Type in the Voucher Code: CCBOOK—READY—TOWED

Once you have completed the Individual Profile, upgrade to the Couple Checkup by having your partner take the assessment and receive your Checkup Report.